Tabular array of contents

  • ane Introduction
  • ii Installation and setup
    • two.1 Installation on Microsoft Windows
    • 2.2 Installation on Mac Os X
    • 2.3 Installation on Ubuntu Linux
    • two.4 Register with your serial number
    • ii.five Updating the navigation data
  • three Using XPFlightPlanner
    • 3.ane User interface overview
    • 3.2 Generate a new flight plan
      • Generate a flying program automatically
      • 3.2.2 Generate a flying plan manually
    • 3.3 Load and save
    • 3.iv Impress a flight programme
  • 4 Load into Ten-Plane


XPFlightPlanner is a simple tool for generating flight plans that can be used with X-Aeroplane. It uses native airports, points and routes included in X-Plane's globe database.

XPFlightPlanner uses X-Aeroplane's native file format *.fms to store and load flight plans.

Remember, this tool must non exist used for existent world aviation but for simulation purpose simply!

Installation and setup

XPFlightPlanner can be installed on Windows, Mac OSX and Ubuntu (see requirements on Download page). Installer files tin can exist downloaded from hither.

Installation on Microsoft Windows

To install XPFlightPlanner on Microsoft Windows, simply double click on the installer and follow the sorcerer.

Installation on Mac OS X

To install XPFlightPlanner on Mac OS X, double click on the image file *.dmg and copy the XPFlightPlanner awarding to the Applications directory.

Installation on Ubuntu Linux

To install XPFlightPlanner on Ubuntu Linux, unzip the *.zippo archive anywhere. The application also runs on other Linux distributions, but Qt dependencies must exist installed.

Register with your serial number

To annals your copy of XPFlightPlanner go to the carte Help > Register.... Then, re-create and paste your electronic mail and serial number from the e-mail you received.

Be certain not to copy-paste extra characters like white-spaces etc. The fields are case sensitive.

If you did not receive your series number by electronic mail, please cheque your spam binder. The email has been sent automatically upon buy.

Updating the navigation data

By default XPFlightPlanner uses the navigation data provided by your current X-Plane installation. Yet, you might apply an updated data cycle such as provided by Navigraph.

The updated data should be installed in the <X-Aeroplane>/Custom Data folder, and must contain the post-obit files:

  • earth_awy.dat,
  • earth_fix.dat,
  • earth_nav.dat,
  • CIFP directory.

After updated data cycle has been installed, launch XPFlightPlanner and open up the preferences window. Check the box Employ custom data, and so choose the path where 10-Plane (with updated data) is installed; this path should be the directory that contain the Ten-Airplane executable. Validate the preferences with the OK button and restart XPFlightPlanner.

XPFlightPlanner preferences window

Preferences window

XPFlightPlanner have a pregnant longer fourth dimension to load custom data at startup rather than to load default information.

Using XPFlightPlanner

User interface overview

When XPFlightPlanner starts, the chief window shows up; this window contains an empty flight program document. This window is decomposed into iv areas:

  • the flying programme tabular array that contain the listing of manner points,
  • the map,
  • the flight plan vertical profile,
  • the navigation database with three tabs for:
    • points (Gear up, VOR, NDB),
    • routes,
    • and airports.

XPFlightPlanner main window

Main window

The map, contour and database are "docked-windows" that can be subconscious, moved or detached from the main window. The position of these docked-windows tin can be reset with the bill of fare View > Reset panels.

Generate a new flying plan

Flightplans can be generated automatically or manually. When generated automatically a flight programme tin can still be modified manually.

Generate a flight plan automatically

XPFlightPlanner has a route planner that can detect the best route from an aiport to another. Click on the toolbar push button Automatically generate a flying plan or in the menu Flight plan > Generate... to open up the flying program generator window. Within this window you tin cull:

  • The deviation drome (and optionally the SID)
  • the inflow airdrome (and optionally the STAR/APPCH),
  • the plane performances based on:
    • your presets for keeping your preferred plane performances,
    • or custom performances.

XPFlightPlanner route generator dialog

Road generator dialog

When choosing a Standard Instrument Departure (SID) or a Standard Final Arrival Route (STAR) the flight programme generator will consider but this procedures for the departure an arrival drome. If no SID or no STAR is selected, the generator will choose the best procedure for each.

The plane functioning settings take an influence on the routes chosen by the generator. The settings are:

  • During climb
    • Indicated Air Speed (IAS) in kts
    • Vertical Speed in ft/min (positive)
  • During prowl
    • Indicated Air Speed (IAS) in Mach or kts
    • Flying Level (FL) in hundred of feets
  • During descent
    • Indicated Air Speed (IAS) in kts
    • Vertical Speed in ft/min (negative)

Click the OK button to offset the route generator. When the route finder algorithm is washed, the generator window closes and the flight plan is displayed in the main window.

Generate a flight program manually

Flight plans tin can be created or modified manually.

Points, routes or airports can exist added to the flight plan direct from the navigation database. As example (screenshot below), search for point XIKLA in the navigation database, select information technology and click the Plus (+) push button from the toolbar to add it in the flying programme. The point tin can also be added by drag-and-drop from the navigation database to the flight program.

A way point can be removed from the flight program, select it and click the Minus (-) button from the toolbar as highlighted in the screenshot below. The mode point can also exist moved up or down using the arrow buttons highlighted from the toolbar.

XPFlightPlanner flight plan manual edit

Flight programme manual edit

Load and save

XPFlightPlanner can open and save flying plans in the native X-Plane format *.fms. Flight plans can either be saved in FMSv11 for X-Plane 11 or FMSv3 for older X-Plane versions. This is also useful for some older planes that require FMSv3 format.

To open a flying plan, click on the open push button from the toolbar or utilise the bill of fare File > Open. To salve a flight program use the salve button from the toolbar or the menu File > Save or File > Salve every bit. The version FMSv11 or FMSv3 can be called from the Salvage as window.

In guild to be loaded by X-Plane's FMS, the flight plans must be saved in the <X-Plane>/Output/FMS plans directory.

XPFlightPlanner can also export flight plans to Javier Cortes'southward UFMC format. To do so, click on the menu File > Export to UFMC....

Print a flight plan

XPFlightPlanner tin can print the flight plan to newspaper. In the menu File use:

  • Folio setup: to choose the paper type and rotation,
  • Print preview: to check the paper settings before printing,
  • Print: to transport the flight programme to a printer.

The map can be removed from the page by unchecking the box Map is visible in the flightplan when printed in the preference window.

Load into X-Plane

To load the flying plan into X-Plane'south FMS files must be saved in the directory <10-Plane 11>/Output/FMS plans. And so run Ten-Plane, open the FMS and click on the CO ROUTE List push button, all your flying plans will appear. To load the flying plan click on the respective button.

XPFlightPlanner import flight plan into FMS

Import flight plan into FMS