
Can You Upload Babies Ark

CrossARK Transfers is a game mechanic in ARK: Survival Evolved where the actor tin can transfer their survivor, items and tames ("objects") from one ARK to some other ARK. Effectively, the player is existence transported from 1 ARK to another via an uploads and downloads system.


  • one Overview
  • 2 Transferring Limit
    • 2.ane Items
    • 2.2 Creatures
      • two.2.i Valguero
      • 2.2.2 Aberration
      • 2.2.3 Genesis: Function i
  • iii How to Transfer
    • 3.ane Dino Transfer
    • 3.2 Alert
  • 4 Tips
  • 5 Trivia

Overview [ ]

Transfers tin can be used to movement objects from i server to another even if the map on both servers differs.

Transfers can accept place mainly at  Obelisk or a  Tek Transmitter. Other means of transfer are means such equally:

There is a run a risk that objects will be eliminated without any notice whatsoever during the procedure.

Transferring Limit [ ]

At that place are limitations as to how the Transfers work:

  • All items, dinos and survivors can just exist transferred within the server cluster.
  • Items, dinos and survivors tin only be transferred from PvE to PvE servers and only PvP to PvP servers.
  • Items, dinos and survivors tin can only be transferred from official to official servers and unofficial servers to unofficial servers inside the server cluster.

Not everything can be transferred to other servers either. Aside from server setting, the following cannot be transferred:

Items [ ]

Creatures [ ]

Annotation that creatures tin can exist sent via  Cryopod to the maps, simply can't exist released out if the map does not permit them to exist uncryopodded.

Beware that doing and so may crusade your dino's to reset (they become level 1/their colors may get mixed upwardly/nicknames may disappear/genders may change/or all of the above.)

Same happens with fertilized eggs, levels of hatched dino's go reset to level 1.

Valguero [ ]

The following dinos tin can simply be transfered from or to Valguero:

  •  Chalk Golem
  • Polar deport (tameable on Valguero, blue obelisk location)

Aberration [ ]

Flying creatures of all kind cannot be mounted unless the server had permitted it to.

Only the creatures listed beneath, and all their variants, tin can exist downloaded on Aberration. This limitation can be disabled with the CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads option.

Genesis: Role 1 [ ]

Flying creatures of all kind cannot be mounted unless the server had permitted information technology to. This includes  Managarmr

  • All tamed  Titan can't be transferred to Genesis: Part i

How to Transfer [ ]

When the post-obit above structure is accessed, there are three tabs, "ARK Data", "Creatures", and "Tribute".

  • When the "Tribute" tab is called, every particular you put in the inventory of the  Obelisk is accessible by everyone and could exist used as a Tribute to summon one of the shown Bosses. (In the case of City Terminal, it is used to arts and crafts specific items)
  • When the "Creatures" tab is chosen, the inventory screen changes and is divided into an upper part and a lower function. The upper part shows all tamed Creatures which tin can exist transferred. Select one and press the little footprint-similar button to upload the selected Creature. Now it will exist listed in the lower office with a cool-down timer. Remove the saddle beforehand and transfer it via the "ARK Data" tab, since everything in the tamed Creature'southward Inventory will exist dropped. Only tames which are near the above structures volition be listed and those that have been transferred volition disappear. If the tamed Animate being has been downloaded, they volition automatically exist following the player who downloaded them.
  • Items will be transferred via the "ARK Data" tab.
    • Note: On servers there will exist a cool-down, on local play-throughs, there is no absurd-down.
  • To move yourself, utilize the "Upload Survivor"-Button in the middle.

Dino Transfer [ ]

It is also possible to transfer your tamed Dino'south this way with the aforementioned restrictions equally listed higher up. If you lot upload one of your tames, their inventory will be dropped in the procedure. Retrieve to empty it before (including the saddle).

After downloading dinos there is a subconscious 12-hour cool-down before you are able to upload them again. Additionally females will go a breeding cool-down too.

If at that place are as well many tamed dinos in the server, the dino cannot be downloaded into the server (It will remain in the cloud despite multiple download clicks) unless it has at least one spot free.

Utilizing  Cryopod will deter the hidden transfer cool-downwardly or the automatic breeding cool-downward and since it is regarded as an particular, it can be downloaded even if there are besides many tamed dinos in the server.

Warning [ ]

At that place have been reports of players losing their character by using the transmitting-characteristic. This is often caused by error, crash or server rollback/maintenance when attempting to download or downloaded before the next server save, so use this feature at your own take chances.[ citation needed ]

If a rollback occurred on servers that yous had your grapheme transferred from, and you lost your character on the server yous transferred you lot, the game will notwithstanding force you to create a new graphic symbol as if you do not accept whatsoever on the server despite it existing. This is in lieu with the Anti-duping technology intended to forbid duping of characters. [1]

Characters/Dinos/Items uploaded to ARK deject has a 24-60 minutes time limit in multiplayer. Ensure you are set to download them into another server earlier the timer runs out, or else your items will decay in your upload when the timer goes past 0.

Tips [ ]

  • A  Tek Transmitter is actually helpful to ship items around, even on the same ARK.
  • CrossARK transfers is used on official servers to trade (Steam has a dedicated forum for ARK trades. Note that you must be logged in on an account that owns ARK to access).
  • To transfer your grapheme on a console Histrion Dedicated server (Not A Cluster). Employ "cheat playercommand Ascend1", this volition strength upload your character. Please note you need to exist admin on server to do this. Once your character is uploaded the person who is hosting the server can change the map, when you lot join select "Download Survivor" you should run across your character.
  • For an official list of rules pertaining to CrossARK transfers, please visit the following page:

Trivia [ ]

  • At the outset of Genesis: Office 2, several R-Variant dino were mistakenly permitted into Aberration. These dino do not have an Abnormal variant in said ARK.


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